


The third KAGRA International Symposium

发布时间:2017-05-22 来源: 浏览:1731

The 3rd KAGRA International Symposium (KIW3) was held at the University of Taiwan from May 21 to 22, 2017. It aims to promote active cooperation between the international gravitational wave and related physical fields and is open to scientists in all fields of interest. KAGRA (large cryogenic gravitational wave telescope) is a Japanese led large-scale exploration of gravitational waves. Dr. SenHan, chairman of the company, delivered a meeting report as a guest speaker. The title of the report is "LIGO Mirror Diagnosis and Requirement"

Dr. SenHan, a former member of the LIGO team, was invited in 1998 to design and build an optical testing facility for LIGO. Not long ago, he revisited his hometown and visited the new generation of aLIGO laboratories in Livingston. It's still the same as when he was here. He had to spend half an hour in the morning. "Because observation lasts 24 hours, scientists need to tell others about old problems and new developments. "Dr. SenHan said. So far, more than a thousand scientists from around the world have participated in the project, covering physics, astronomy, machinery, lasers, precision instruments, information and other fields.

The world's top topics must be a global wisdom collaboration and crowdsourcing. Now, many scientists are still working together to push forward the detection of gravitational waves, such as upgrading the sensitivity of observations. At present, the sensitivity of aLIGO detection has been directed to the negative 23 power of 10, Dr. SenHan said, the second and third generation of LIGO has been developed, sensitivity is better than the current indicators.
